Sunday 27 September 2009

Flocking Hell

My resumé of disturbing medical ailments is beginning to look ridiculous; but this morning it is five and a half billion times worse. My face is bright red and swollen, and my rash is bright red and everywhere in a way that screams 'Probably not going to be in Drama tomorrow if I still look like this.' I look like I ran into a house made of stinging nettles and then was stung to death by bees before being beaten on the face repeatedly with an inflatable bat, and then got really, really embarrassed by the whole thing.
I just got off the phone with a very nice lady from NHS direct, who says that it is too late in the allergic reaction to go into anyphalactic shock, which I have to say is fabulous news. I will only be in School tomorrow if my face has gone down enough to pass as 'flushed excitement for the new school week, combined with a charming rosy tinge.'
Also, I have so far used my current quarantine to write half of my English essay, read and watch yesterday's Merlin and lots of Smack the Pony, so am feeling a bit cheered up.


Jane said...

Like looking in a mirror?

Anne said...

Hahaha, yes.
That is actually exactly what I look like, because I thought: Hey, why not go the whole way and dye my hair green, cut most of it off and stick it up into tiny little spikes?
Actually, I think I look more like a cranberry.

Anne said...

Hahaha, yes.
That is actually exactly what I look like, because I thought: Hey, why not go the whole way and dye my hair green, cut most of it off and stick it up into tiny little spikes?
And then I got my parents to pelt little yellow seeds at my face.

Anne said...

Oops. No idea what happened there. You got two versions, twice.

Fran said...

Hi Anne...
I feel like a stalker, but HI!

Hope you get better from the plague or whatever you have... :(

cesca x

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